get involved and make a difference

There are so many different ministries that could use your skills, time and talent. Explore some of the ways that you might get involved. Or just contact us and we'll help you find the right place to use your gifts to bless others.

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Holy Trinity is a vibrant community of faith. People discover ways to use their gifts to bless others. In the process, they experience the joy and satisfaction of being blessed themselves. 

Check out some of the ways you might bring your gifts to the ministry that God is up to here.

Then simply click on the link to email the appropriate staff person for more information.  

  • Holy Trinity is a happening place. To make that possible, the Administration team works behind the scenes to make it all happen. If you've got administrative or organizational gifts then we would love to have you join us. Email Nicole Sherer by clicking HERE.

  • If you have a passion for helping adults grow their faith, then this could be the team for you. We brainstorm ways to help people embrace life-long learning through Sunday classes, mid-week programs, retreats and devotionals. Come join us. Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE. 

  • This team works together to prepare the altar for every worship service. This includes the weekly and seasonal worship services as well as all baptisms, weddings, funerals, and all other special services. In addition, the guild is responsible for care of the linens, candles, vessels, and vestments used by the clergy of the church. Many members of this guild talk about the blessing they receive as they serve in God's sanctuary. Email Sue Everett by clicking HERE. 

  • Our building and campus is an amazing place. It's a gift that was given by generations past. This team focuses on maintaining and improving these gifts. We do that with work days and handyman ministries. If you like to solve problems, fix things, or make space beautiful then this could be the team for you. Email Sue Everett by clicking HERE. 

  • Our mission is to help the children in our community build strong relationships with God. As that relationship grows, so too does their faith and character. This team gets to create and lead programs that help kids do just that. That includes Sunday worship programs, Sunday School, VBS, special events, and even Kids Camps. To do that well, many gifts are needed - teaching, helping, organizing, and nurturing. If you love kids then check us out. Email Darby Davidson by clicking HERE.

  • This committee oversees the church’s outreach giving to the community.  We work with local human service agencies with a special emphasis on the Lincoln Food Bank, McPhee Elementary and St. Monica's.  During the summer, we prepare bags of food for the Backpack Program, and throughout the year we help at the Hawthorne emergency pantry.  We have a long and continuing relationship with St. Monica's. At the same time, we are always exploring new ways that we can make a difference in our community.  Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE.

  • Holy Trinity has always been as much a family as a church. We love to be together, sharing a good potluck or having supper with friends. Our Fellowship Ministry organizes opportunities for us to be together building friendships and a stronger community! If you like to host parties or organize activities then please do let us know. Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE. 

  • God makes possible the ministry of the church not only with people, but with financial resources. If you have finance or accounting gifts, then please come help us to be good stewards of our budgets and endowments. Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE. 

  • This group provides food and servers for a wide variety of functions including receptions, concerts, special events, funeral luncheons, and annual church gatherings.  Serving with this group blesses others, and it is an excellent way to get acquainted with other members of the parish. Email Vicki White by clicking HERE.

  • Fellowship and community is at the core of who we are. The Men's Ministry helps build connections specifically with the men of our church. Activities include fellowship events, regular classes, service project and retreats. In all of it we enjoy having fun together. Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE. 

  • Music is at the heart of our worship here. We have been blessed with some amazing musical talents in our congregation. Yet, we are always looking for more. If you have a love and talent for instrumental music or singing, please do let us know. We invite you to serve in this ministry on an occasional basis or on a more regular basis.  Email Loretta Love by clicking HERE. 

  • Fellowship and community is at the core of who we are. The Women's Ministry helps build connections within the women of our church. Activities include fellowship events, lunches, group gatherings, and retreats. In all of it we enjoy having fun together. Email Fr. Clay Lein by clicking HERE.

  • We are committed to nurturing faith in the teenagers of our parish and community. More than just entertaining youth, our goal is to help them build relationships with others and empower them to impact their world. The whole time we try to have fun. If you have a passion for helping youth, then this could be your calling. Email Darby Davidson by clicking HERE.

  • We invite anyone from the parish to help lead our Sunday worship. Lay people are invited to participate in several different ways. If you are interested in helping in this ministry please do let us know. Email Nicole Sherer by clicking HERE.

    • Greeters and Ushers: This front line ministry serves at the front door with the gift of hospitality and helps. Greeters insure that all are welcomed and directed as needed. The Ushers assist people to fully participate in the worship.  
    • Lay Eucharistic Ministers: During our weekly Sunday services, Lay Eucharistic ministers assist parishioners to receive communion. Their primary role is to serve the chalice to the congregation.  
    • Lay Eucharistic Visitors: Specially trained Eucharistic ministers are equipped to take communion to people unable to attend regular worship.  
    • Lectors: After a short period of study and training, this group of individuals read the lessons during the worship service, proclaiming for the congregation the story of our salvation.