Pardon our dust

Holy Trinity is ramping up the construction projects as presented in the Master Plan - Phase 1. This page will be utilized to keep you informed about the construction projects and changes taking place at Holy Trinity.  

project status

  • The Parish Hall updates are happening now with the addition of new flooring, painting, and updated lighting.
  • The East Entrance (into the Parish Hall) is closed March 25 - 29 for painting.
  • Painting of the Sacristy and staff bathroom is in process.

Completed Projects

• Roof repairs are complete

• Renovations from water damage in Music Director’s office are complete

• Opened up and landscaped the West Entry for better visibility to the community.

• Created more space in the altar guild sacristy for storage.

• Repaired the plumbing in the kitchen and replaced two faucets.

• Repaired and replaced elements of the HVAC system.