How is this different from Memorials or Designated Giving?
Holy Trinity Legacy Society members make a provision in their wills, trusts or life insurance for a gift to Holy Trinity after their death. Individuals or families can make estate gifts to the Church after someone’s death, and that person will be posthumously named a member of the Legacy Society and will be honored for their contribution.
Occasionally, a parishioner will provide a significant gift for a current need or purpose (new roof, organ repair, building programs, etc.). These gifts are valued and needed, but they will be recognized in a manner separate from the Legacy Society. Memorial gifts are given in memory of a person and placed in the Memorial Fund and used to honor the deceased as we have in the past. These are not Legacy Society gifts. If you’d like to make a donation today in memory of someone dear, then contact the Parish Office and we will talk with you about memorials or designated giving opportunities.
To learn more about Legacy Society or Memorial Giving, contact the Parish Office at 402-488-7139.