Keeping you in the loop

There's a lot going on at Holy Trinity. You can stay in the loop by clicking below for our latest newsletter or scroll down for more details. 

Latest Newsletter

  • april 11, 6-9pm: parent's night out

    All parents could use a break. Our Parent's Night Out program is just for you. Join us from 6-9:00 pm for an evening of fun and learning. Children Kindergarten through 5th grade are welcome to register. $10 per child, with $20 per family maximum. 

    Register by 2/12 at: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church | Parents Night Out (

  • april 20, 10:30 am:  3rd Sunday Family Worship

    Every 3rd Sunday at the 10:30 am service time we’ll be adapting our usual worship to be more family friendly and accessible for all ages.

    Modeled after our 5:00 pm Christmas Eve service, we’ll have a sermon for both kids and adults. We’ll have hymns but also music that children can worship with. We’ll have communion and prayers for young and old. 

  • new Senior ministry

    Some of the programs we’ll be offering are: 

    • Episco-pals: This quarterly gathering has been a long time part of the ministry of Holy Trinity. It’s a play on our denominations name and a reminder that it’s all about friendship. Episco-pals events are fellowship gatherings hosted at various parishioner’s homes for a chance to deepen friendships and have fun. (Not just for Seniors!)
    • Dinner Circles: These too are something that many here at Holy Trinity have found to be a great blessings. These circles are small groups of folks who commit to about four dinners over the next six month. It’s a chance to get to know folks and form deeper connections on a more intimate basis. And it’s also great fun.
    • Coffee @ HT: You are invited to join us at the church every 4th TUESDAY at 2:00 pm. We’ll enjoy coffee, snacks, fellowship and a chance to learn more about the topics we want to hear about.
    • Bridge Group: If you like to play bridge, or if you want to learn, this group is for you. We meet on the 2nd Thursdays of each month at 1:00 pm at church to play. All levels of experience are welcome to come and share in fun and fellowship. (Not just for Seniors!)
    • Care Team: This ministry isn’t just about having fun. We also want to provide personal care to those in need. You are invited to become part of this team as we find creative ways to be a blessing in our parish.