Keeping you in the loop

There's a lot going on at Holy Trinity. You can stay in the loop by clicking below for our latest newsletter or scroll down for more details. 

Latest Newsletter

  • youth group Lunch & Caroling

    Saturday, December 22nd, 11:30 am-1:15pm

    Join us in the Memorial Rom for lunch and then we will go Christmas Caroling at Aviva Woodlands Retirement Community!  It's just one more way that our kids are learning how to impact their world for GOOD!

    Please RSVP by December 18th to

  • february parent's night out

    Friday, February 14th, 6-9pm in the Parish Hall

    Want a Friday night out? We can help. Bring the kids for fun, games, crafts and snacks from 6-9 pm. 

    Ages:               3yrs thru 5th Grade

    Cost:               $10/child, Max of $20/family

    Times:             6:00 to 9:00 pm

    Register by 2/12 at: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church | Parents Night Out (